Santa Baby
Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since my last post. Man I'm a slacker. Actually, no, just been a little busy. Well, maybe a little slacking, but I have been busy with some side projects.
Well for Nathan's first Thanksgiving, he managed to sleep through not one, but two turkey dinners. We hosted the Taft clan for a noon gathering and the teenie guy managed to take an hour long nap just before dinner was served. He didn't even really get to use his turkey bib, but he did sport his "My First Thanksgiving" onesie to much fanfare.
As we started feeling the effects of the tryptophan, we had a choice two remedies: either TripToCaribbean or a power nap. Since we we short on time, we choose a little rest before venturing out to my brother's house for round two where Nathan continued his Thanksgiving tradition of sleeping through every possible Thanksgiving dinner he could get his hands on.
First Birthday as a Dad
The Saturday after Thanksgiving was my first birthday as a dad. So instead of heading out to the clubs and getting wasted (which I don't think I've done in several years) we went to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch ASU vs. Tucson Tech in, apparently, the Territorial Cup. Man that's a dumb name. I prefer The Duel in the Desert. Well, actually I prefer ASU winning. They can call it the Cereal Bowl for all I care, just catch the damn punt! Sorry I get a little worked up when we play our rivals.
Nathan's first December!!!! I am getting carried away with his "firsts?"
Tree Lighting
Being Chandler residents we represented by heading downtown to watch the annual lighting of the tumbleweed tree. Yes, tumbleweed. Yeah, I know. It was quite chilly, but at least I got to hold our portable heater - one of the benefits they never tell you about having a baby in the winter, they are little heaters. As for the teenie guy, he geared up in his Santa outfit, and oh my god, cuteness. Seriously, check the photos, I'll wait....
Overall the tree lighting wasn't very impressive, but we still had fun.
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