Yes, the glass broke. It was that good. (Whatever that means.)
2008 Shannon Ridge Chardonnay ~$15
This was part of the Bevmo 5-cent sale, so I guess it was only about $7.52. A little background - I wasn't feely Chardonnays for a while because all I was finding were apple-y/citrus-y ones and I was really wanting a buttery one. Having no luck on my own, a friend recommended J Lohr, which was excellent and buttery. That led me to find out a little more about the buttery trait and I found out that those Chardonnays that had gone through malolactic fermentation tended to have the buttery qualities. So, I found this little wine at the Bevmo sale and sure enough, right on the label, malolactic fermentation. So bam, $15.05, two bottles. You see because you have to buy 2.
Anyhoo, this one is not as buttery as the J Lohr, but still quite refreshing. A little pear flavors and a slight butteriness and overall smooth and crisp. I would recommend this at $7.50, but any higher and I'd steer you to the J Lohr, which runs about $11.
The glass in the picture actually broke as I tried to get a good angle to snap a few pictures of Nathan not-eating.
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