But alas, no haunted house this year. We just didn't have the time to set it up now that we have the teenie guy. Instead, we decided to have a casual party. We opened up the garage and put out a fire pit and kicked it with family and friends while passing out candy to all of the ninjas and princesses and vampires and other assorted creatures.
Nathan, after attacking the candy.
Surprisingly, several trick-or-treaters really missed our haunted house. Some even looked visually devastated, though that may have been make-up. But really, 10-15 people asked what happened to the haunted house because they were looking forward to it all night. Instead they had to settle for a measly, little candy bar. Well, maybe we'll be back in full force next year.
Anyhoo, here are some photos from Nathan's first Halloween. As you can see Nathan was a bee. Laura was a butterfly, Sonoma a lady bug. And Gary? Well, Gary decided to be a flower. Yeah, a flower. So wassup?!?!?! You want a piece of me? You want a piece of me not. You want a piece of me? You want a piece of me not.
Help! The bee is attacking me!
So yeah, I'm a flower - I thought it would be fun if we matched and since bees like flowers and I was likely to be holding him at some point... Besides, wouldn't it be weird if you saw a vampire holding a bee? I mean, c'mon, they're allergic to bees. However, I think I made my flower petals a bit too big. But, hey, large petals run in my family. All in all, not to bad for a homemade costume, if I do say so myself.
*So I tried to put the last two pictures side by side - anyone know how to do that?
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